Tuesday, July 21, 2015

An Interpretation of Chapter 112 from the Quran

I repeat it as a Sufi each morning 11 times.  Feeling as though I am ready to do this as my teacher did.   This morning I also did as my teacher has done and gave a mystic-heart-rendition of the Surah.

In the Name of Ahura:
Who Reigns As Complete Mercy and Compassion,
In the Name of Mazda:
Who Reigns As Complete Wisdom,

Say, "She Is Ahura Mazda! She Is One!"
"Eternal Source of Refuge"
"Nothing Like Her"
"Nor Equal to Her"

Sheikh Nur (Lex Hixon) is my teacher along the Way.  For some of us, the heart exists as a temple of worship where Light shines through many colored windows.  It is certain that Zoroastrianism is a Path for me, but there are many other equally beautiful sacred parallel paths as The Good Religion recognizes.  Sheikh Nur and I are traversing them in unique ways and he has introduced me, I believe, to Meher Baba also.  I knew of Meher Baba before, but I recognize his guidance is so perfect right now and recognize why I was 'coincidentally' led to explore his life and work.  One thing that I can't wait to read are the prayers he wrote based on the 101 Names of Ahura Mazda

Meher Baba was born a Zoroastrian.  As he progressed on the Path, he saw God beyond the labels of religions yet spoke in the language of religion beautifully as needed.  For many years he "spoke" silently. He kept silence because he felt God had already said all there was to say and now it was time for humanity to listen.  In the silence, he gave his devotees the opportunity to take the words of God into their hearts.

A Zoroastrian is called, through acts of goodness, to live the life of faith by their heart and this is what Ahura Mazda called humankind to do.  The dogma hardens around the teachings sadly when a Prophet leaves the earth and we are left with people who argue over ritual and prayer and belief.  Rather than just engage in sincere loving prayer and true belief in the Divine, the only part that matters disappears.

God gets lost when spirituality is overcome by dogma.  This much I know.  If laws stand in the way of being a believer, there is something wrong.  Some might need that kind of structure, but it was wringing me dry of what I needed.  Trust in Love, Mercy and Compassion.  Knowing I was able to turn to Mazda as a friend and need not fear every move I made would be rejected.  This is what I have found in Restored Zoroastrianism.

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