Thursday, July 16, 2015

The most beautiful week...

 “ God wills more good for you than you do yourself.”
(from Doreen Virtue's angel calendar for today's date)

P. sent me the reading from her angel card deck.  Coincidence?

zoroaster by haydar hatemi jpg. 


Its what I have been seeking for seven years in Sufism and found in one week as I gave in to that feeling about Zoroastrianism. No wonder!  Why did I wait six months! This nudge (now I see was so obviously from Mazda Herself or from one of Her many helpers.  Once I did follow that call to soul-search Zoroastrianism again, there was an insatiable thirst and I just kept imbibing all I could find.  All these years, I told myself the religion was too complex and that Zoroastrians were too against converts....

and here I am not even an entire week later on the last day of Ramadan knowing with all my heart and with an entire sense of serenity that I have found the path that I am meant to be on.  Spiritually, it is the best, emotionally it is the best. I know enough about the religion that I have absolutely no doubts about this.  It will seem impulsive to many, but I have known about Zoroastrianism for so many years and loved it.  Perhaps this knowledge was already there, but I didn't trust myself or I felt I didn't want to belong to a faith which didn't welcome converts.

I never felt this peace.  Here I am on the last day of Ramadan, peacefully saying to God, I realize now leaving Islam is not leaving God.  Ushta!

All has arranged itself into place.  I have seen that the people of this faith have become much more welcoming.  And I have seen that if it would offend others to call myself Zoroastrian or Mazdayasni or Zarathustri, I would just find a different name in order to be respectful. I've already stated this to someone and felt it was also a message to my heart and soul and to God.  But if I can be welcomed into the community I want to do it.

Why?  Because Ahura Mazda touched me with Her Radiant Light in the midst of Ramadan and I knew it was my last Ramadan.  And for once I felt leaving Islam didn't mean leaving God, but getting closer.  It mean finding the God I could trust, the God who offered me the opportunity to feel worthy of goodness, this beautiful God with such a Beautiful Name referring to Divine Light and Wisdom, who honors the Sacred Feminine.  

This religion reminds me to be grateful for everything around me that I can see, but I take for granted.  It reminds me that we are being watched over.  It tells me I'm not crazy that my heart breaks every year when Muslims slaughter millions of animals to mimic a Prophet's willingness to sacrifice his son for God.  All these Avestan 'terms' I wanted to learn have helped me see how many beings in the world both seen and unseen are the helpers of Ahura and I feel my 'job description' is clearly written on my heart and soul in the language of Zoroastrianism...

I hereby declare my intention to practice the religion of Mazdayasni and I hereby declare my intention to seek initiation into the religion of Ahura Mazda, Radiant Wisdom, Reigning Wisdom for the Divine Spark of Sophia lives in my heart calling me.

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