Friday, July 10, 2015

How Ahura Mazda honors the Feminine and covering the head and creating goodness...

Over the years, many things have touched my heart about this path.  I never knew about the way Zarathushtra honored the Feminine when he chose the Name Ahura Mazda.  And what is interesting is that it is the name Wisdom that honors Her...
It may be worth noting that the two  words chosen by Zarathushtra to describe best God belong to opposite genders. Ahura, meaning "The Being" with a secondary meaning "lord" is masculine, and mazda, "supreme wisdom, super-intellect" with a secondary meaning of "The Wise" is feminine. A beautiful combination, indeed! However, Zarathushtra has followed the grammatical rules of his age that when a masculine and feminine nouns combine, pronouns follow the masculine rule, yet he frequently uses the neuter gender, particular the emphatic HVA, in his Sublime Songs. We too, bound by the present Judeo-Christian usage of God taken as a masculine in English, use the masculine pronoun without assigning any particular gender to God for God is above such an imagination. May be a day will come when we will have a better conception of God and use the simple pronoun of IT.  
Ali A. Jafarey 
So in a very real sense Sophia and Mazda are One here.  It is good to know that in worship, Ahura and Mazda are not always used together.  And to speak Mazda's Name is to speak Sophia's Name. For me, this is deeply healing. It reminds me of how Neil Douglas Klotz translates the Lord's Prayer with Mother-Father.

Add to this, some other things I've discovered today that felt like what I needed for my path.  Five prayers and head covering.  The blog I read on head covering showed it from the perspective of chakras, aura and a section of the brain.  The comments seemed very supportive.  I have thought for a long time that head covering has some sort of effect like this because so many religions have used head covering or tribal costumes have traditionally included them.  Human beings seem drawn to head coverings when engaged in spirtual activities.

One last part seems to have been like an answered prayer today.  While scrubbing away at the ego's issues, its not always easy to stop certain behaviors like impatience or gossiping.  Those are two examples that I can say I struggle with pretty much daily. Its easier to say don't be impatient than it is to stop it when it comes up.  As for gossiping, it can be addictive.  But when my intent is to be one who lives by righteousness through good thoughts, good words and good deeds, its simple enough to stay focused.  It is easier to see it coming before its inflated to the point where its too late to stop it from happening.  I see the impatience is in the back of my mind and I change my mind and heart by good thoughts.  With such a simple spiritual plan for making the moments of each day a form of worship, there is a feeling of hope I haven't felt for a long time.

I know better than to get too hopeful that this may be the answer to all this confusion, but I felt good enough about it to put a blog in place, just in case.  Enough happened within just a few hours that I felt it may be that guidance I was waiting for.

Do I say Amen?  :)

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