Thursday, July 16, 2015

How Ahura Mazda responded...

Ushta!  In the Spirit of All Good...

Its already 2pm!  It has been a very beautiful and auspicious day.  Without the language of Islam, my last day of Ramadan, my goodbye to Islam is filled to the brim with God.

And I am not sad...I feel blessed...I am not a sinner...there is a verse in Quran that I keep thinking of.  I believe it is read in the ear of my heart to reassure me that Mazda's Love is with me right now. She doesn't judge me an apostate.  She sees me willing to go where I can best serve Her:
Those with iman, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who have iman in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow.  (Quran 2:62)
I am loved by God whether I practice Islam or practice Zoroastrianism.  Whether I identify as a Muslim or Mazdayasni, it is my faith in action that counts.  For me, the fact, I can feel Mazda as the Feminine Side is important to me. When I pray to the anthropomorphized Lord (the He) - I have often felt fear, too focused on the punishing God who resembled my earthly experiences with the masculine.  To have so many beautiful expressions of the Feminine honored in Mazdayasni religion is healing and it shows me what I am often to afraid to see.  And because of this, I can move forward in faith in trust now.

I can stop searching for religion in a way that shuts God out, but my faith is now my shelter made of God, my path to God, my joy in God, my gift to God, my gratitude for all I am given.  In the midst of all this I found a gorgeous online fire temple.

And it led to their online Restored Zoroastrian website which is so in synch with my beliefs right now in this very moment.  The author of the website refers to the Divine with both Gender Pronouns.  Thank You!  I felt this as a blessed yes from the Beloved and all Her beloveds who work for the good. There has been an acceptance of the intention I have made.  But I believe also  Mazda shares my joy and She wants me to know my heart is now with Mazda wrapped in Goodness.

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